Friday, December 13, 2019

Blog 8

I agree with Alyson Valdez on her blog talking about not banning and start helping. As of todays date e-cigs are still an unknown if they benefit or harm you more. E-cigs started out as something beneficial to people and a better alternative to cigarettes but lately in the e-cig trend has been counter-fit products that contain a high level of vitamin e which is dangerous to us. With that being said it puts a bad name on e-cigs. Valdez is correct on normal cigarettes being very harmful and that banning e-cigs could increase the amount of cigarettes users. Instead they should focus on enforcing and letting the word out about e-cigs and its unknown benefits and how it is better alternative to cigarettes.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Blog 7

Previously in Blog 5 where we talked about impeachment and the "Ok Boomer" Movement I asked a few questions that I personally haven't answered and cannot wait to put it off of my chest. The first question is could President Trump be impeached and be accused because of the allegations against him? To answer that there are currently more votes to impeach President Trump and get him out of the office but when people are asked if there are enough evidence to impeach President Trump the answers are more close to 50/50.

Another question that I asked previously is "How could the newer generations be happy, and in which possible way?" To answer that I would suggest that the newer generations be more active in politics and actually participate in the polls. It would even out the demographics of the house and not start a movement such as "Ok Boomer"  Take a look at the politicians they are "White, Male, and Stale" major are white male it makes people of other demographics think that they aren't good enough to participate. 

Could all of this spark another generation war? At this current rate with all the non equal rights and Ok Boomer movement it could lead to or there already is a generation war going on it just hasn't erupted into something physical. 

This has been very eventful the impeachment process has been in the upper top of the rising action approaching the climax but not quite there yet. There is still long ways to go and more events or news to come up that will either continue forward with impeachment or just fighting back and forth. 

Friday, November 1, 2019

Blog 5 Impeachment & Boomer Movement

The Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, started an impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump a few months back. After being accused of possible allegations of Trump finding help from Ukrainian authorities to favor him in the 2020 election, people were skeptical about Trump's image.

Not only that, not that many people in the United States (whether he or she be into government or not) seem to believe much into Donald Trump or the National Government in general in terms of the first three years of Trump's presidency.

 In fact, most of the younger citizens have been on outrage against Trump's administration. Some people also say that Donald Trump did almost nothing to keep the Government, the nation, and his own image, safe.

With the introduction to the now relevant "OK Boomer" hoodie on the rise, this sparked the start of the more personal "generation war" and protests how people in the Baby Boomer era (Trump is born during that particular era, after all)- its intended audience- aren't doing a good job on passing the benefits towards people in the future and keeping those said benefits to themselves.

If there is one thing I have to say about this, I could definitely see this as a possibility; though I can't be too sure as to what will possibly become of the United States as a nation until after the impeachment process is done.

Could President Trump be impeached and be accused because of the allegations against him? How could the newer generations be happy, and in which possible ways? If the future generation is not happy, could this possibly spark yet another generation war?

Friday, October 18, 2019

Blog 4 Strike!

The worker's movement has reached a pivotal point as of recent today. It all started out with a strike against United Automobile Workers and GM. It was a strike over wages, health insurance premiums, and contracts. There was an amusement of UAW with a scandal of the leaders that had some charges of embezzlement of funds. Also, the strikers wanted to know what was going on at the bargaining table in Detroit.

This article from Nytimes has E. Tammy Kim a contributing opinion writer for The New York Times this author argues that UAW is fighting Gm and making their fight their own. While Kim was interviewing striking workers to see what they've done in the company and since technology has improved they operate robots to pick boxes off shelves. She also interviews some temp workers and they earn barely over the minimum amount which sounds outrageous. The fact that the strikers all know that there is always going to be a change in a company like GM.

I agree that workers should get higher pay and I'm with them on strike in order to get better pay. Even though they might be some corruption going on in the UAW or theories that could be created against UAW. Having higher wages and better health benefits is what everyone wants but what they want is not always going to happen that why GM said that it would be better for the strikers to go back to work rather then hold signs on the streets protesting. There is always going to be changed in a company and not everyone is going to like it whether it's for the best or worse.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Blog 3 Whistle Blower

Reading from Washington post about President Trump i've gathered. That during a phone call with Ukranian President, Volodymyr Zelenskiy Trump wanted to start an investigation towards Joe Biden Vice President and son of Hunter Biden. During Obama's Presidency when Joe Biden was Vice President he got his son Hunter Biden in good political standing. A lot of the allegations started a year after Trump became President. The allegations Biden has were stuff he was doing during his Vice Presidency pulling aid from Ukraine and got top prosecutor fired. Hunter Biden became the top prosecutor after Biden got previous prosecutor fired. Trump stop sending aid to Ukraine because of the allegations. The allegations of President Trump started when he wanting to start an investigation on Joe Biden. Someone found the phone call between Trump and Zelenskiy and got to national news. Trump is denying it and point fingers at Joe Biden for his allegations. Biden is denying those allegations and saying that Trump did have the phone call with the President of Ukraine. The intended audience that the author is trying to reach out towards is the American people (future Trump supporters) my opinion is that this information has been hidden from us all along. This shows that with the elections soon arriving I believe the author is trying to discourage people from voting for Trump because of the allegations he has. All the author is doing is conveying to people and stirring them away from Trump. I greatly agree with the authors write up it will change the view of how the next elections will go.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Basics with the Three Branches

The US national government is first formed in the time of the Constitution, where the Constitution explicitly states each of the government's three branches: Judicial, Legislative, and Executive. Each of these branches of government help provides protection for the US by keeping a nice, steady balance by giving each of the three branches specific types of power- Judicial with final say and the Supreme Court system, Legislative with power to help provide and create laws, and Executive with making sure the people (that being the people of the US) happy. This article by The Washington Post puts an example of how one of the branches of government uses its power (In this case, the Executive branch).

Over the years, the people of the US, including certain journalists, start to think that the US national government is a brilliant idea. However, not everyone may agree with this statement. This article from USA Today talks about how people argue from both sides of the idea of the US nationalist government and its potential future.

Friday, September 6, 2019


Hey everyone! My name is Vincent I'm Vietnamese I have a big passion for cars . I've been around cars since I was a child I run a car group/page on Ig @atxbimmers. I am usually either working or wrenching on my car. I also like to explore Austin and find new places to shoot car photos I am not a professional photographer.