Friday, October 4, 2019

Blog 3 Whistle Blower

Reading from Washington post about President Trump i've gathered. That during a phone call with Ukranian President, Volodymyr Zelenskiy Trump wanted to start an investigation towards Joe Biden Vice President and son of Hunter Biden. During Obama's Presidency when Joe Biden was Vice President he got his son Hunter Biden in good political standing. A lot of the allegations started a year after Trump became President. The allegations Biden has were stuff he was doing during his Vice Presidency pulling aid from Ukraine and got top prosecutor fired. Hunter Biden became the top prosecutor after Biden got previous prosecutor fired. Trump stop sending aid to Ukraine because of the allegations. The allegations of President Trump started when he wanting to start an investigation on Joe Biden. Someone found the phone call between Trump and Zelenskiy and got to national news. Trump is denying it and point fingers at Joe Biden for his allegations. Biden is denying those allegations and saying that Trump did have the phone call with the President of Ukraine. The intended audience that the author is trying to reach out towards is the American people (future Trump supporters) my opinion is that this information has been hidden from us all along. This shows that with the elections soon arriving I believe the author is trying to discourage people from voting for Trump because of the allegations he has. All the author is doing is conveying to people and stirring them away from Trump. I greatly agree with the authors write up it will change the view of how the next elections will go.

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