Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Blog 7

Previously in Blog 5 where we talked about impeachment and the "Ok Boomer" Movement I asked a few questions that I personally haven't answered and cannot wait to put it off of my chest. The first question is could President Trump be impeached and be accused because of the allegations against him? To answer that there are currently more votes to impeach President Trump and get him out of the office but when people are asked if there are enough evidence to impeach President Trump the answers are more close to 50/50.

Another question that I asked previously is "How could the newer generations be happy, and in which possible way?" To answer that I would suggest that the newer generations be more active in politics and actually participate in the polls. It would even out the demographics of the house and not start a movement such as "Ok Boomer"  Take a look at the politicians they are "White, Male, and Stale" major are white male it makes people of other demographics think that they aren't good enough to participate. 

Could all of this spark another generation war? At this current rate with all the non equal rights and Ok Boomer movement it could lead to or there already is a generation war going on it just hasn't erupted into something physical. 

This has been very eventful the impeachment process has been in the upper top of the rising action approaching the climax but not quite there yet. There is still long ways to go and more events or news to come up that will either continue forward with impeachment or just fighting back and forth. 

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